I was first introduced to dumplings at Pel’meni in Madison, Wisconsin. For US$5, you could get a styrofoam container filled with the delicious pillows of meat or potato dumplings, with spice or no spice, sour cream, and a piece of rye bread. Oh, how I craved these dumplings… when the glorious day arrived when I was back in Madison, I hit State Street to stuff my face. I walked up the 7 block street about 3 times, from the Capital to Library Mall, where could it be? I hadn’t been away THAT long… finally, after my 4th pace, I gave up, went home, googled Pel’meni, and it was true. It was closed. Sad, sad, sad day.

Photo found on a random Flickr page The Onion and an order of dumplings at Pel’Meni, doesn’t get much better.
If I was Paula Deen, I would have added lots of butta.. but last night I showed some restraint and instead just added the garlic onion mix, and happened to have a left over ear of sweet corn so I just added some kernels. If I had access to a wide selection of cheese, I would probably add some sharp cheddar – but the best I could do was a few ounces of port salut (or something like that) soft cheese. Salt, pepper, and voila, almost done!
4 large potatoes
1/2 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves chopped garlic
1 ear of corn
3 tablespoons of cheese
black pepper
dough (Check out Martha’s recipe if you are feeling crafty)
Spices: Curry powder, sriracha, vinegar, sour cream
alvaro says
patata ivezil
Katie says
I'm reporting back about Martha's recipe. I felt inspired to make the pierogies tonight for dinner, and they turned out great. I followed the directions to the letter, and the dough was smooth and elastic when rolled out. Recommended!
Katie says
I'm thinking empanada dough wouldn't work for these; you want a noodle dough rather than a bread dough.I like to use empanadas to make miniature pies. Peaches look really good right now – maybe a mini peach pie? Mmmm.
Hi Katie, thanks for reading.. this recipe is really good – I just made more last night! Let me know how Martha's dough turns out, I wonder if you can use empanada dough? I'm trying to find new ways of using it other than making empanadas!
Katie says
Hi! I recently stumbled upon your blog. It's always nice to make the acquaintance of another foodie. :) I'm an American living in Necochea, a seaside town in the southern part of the province of Buenos Aires.I have been craving pierogies as of late. I think I'm going to try this recipe, but I'll have to make Martha's dough because I can't get wonton wrappers here.I subscribed to your feed in my reader, so I'll be following your culinary adventures. Chau!