Sushi in Buenos Aires generally isn’t very good. There isn’t much variety other than salmon, fresh fish and seafood aren’t readily available, rice isn’t cooked properly, and rolls are often filled with cream cheese and other strange fillings. Jiro would definitely not approve. But it’s hard to deny when that sushi craving kicks in. I […]
Burgers Are the New Black
Burgers are so much more than the latest food trend, it’s a lifestyle choice. It’s scientifically proven that people are instantly happier while eating an awesome burger, so imagine the edible anti-depressant delight to see the hamburger party train finally make its way to Buenos Aires. In Buenos Aires, burgers are the new black. Following in […]
Farmisht, Fercockt, and Verklempt at Mishiguene
When I first heard about a restaurant classy-ing up Jewish cooking, I didn’t like the concept. “Gourmet Jewish Food” seemed like a pretentious oxymoron. I don’t want to see the food from my childhood turn into tiny portions, meticulously presented in a trendy Palermo restaurant. Give me my fattyfat Jewish deli sandwiches and my Grandma […]
The Gran Dabbang is the Gran DaBomb
Right as the swiss chard pakoras drizzled with Sriracha sauce and served with a sweet carrot slaw chutney was delivered to the table, I knew this unassuming spot on Scalabrini Ortiz was something really special.Months before the restaurant opened, I began following Dabbang on Instagram, not quite understanding who/what it was: Is Dabbang a person? A chef? A […]
The Food Hunter: 8 Meals A Day
El suplemento especial de comida del diario La Nación, Bocados, me invitó para ser su Food Hunter invitado y recomendar a sus lectores ocho lugares diferentes para desayuno, almuerzo y cena, mezclandolo con lo nuevo, lo clásico, lo contemporario y lo barato. Aqui esta la posta (en castellano). LAB. Tostadores de Café Aunque nací en un […]
The Palermo Detox Cleanse: Jugoterapia at The Factory Juice Bar
In a city filled with a bunch of crazies who regularly reference their intimate therapy sessions amid casual conversation, it’s only natural (and equally crazy) for a new type of therapist to peek its head into the game: Jugoterapia aka Juice Therapy aka a cleanse, detox, juicing, skinny bitch lunch special, etc., etc., insert your […]
The Mid-Year Hit List: 15 New Buenos Aires Restaurants in 2014
It’s only the first half of 2014 and the city has already exploded with new places to eat out. There seems to be a common trend with this Freshman class of newbies that I’m totally digging. It’s a general theme that is setting a new tone for the future way Buenos Aires dines: cooks and chefs as owners, involved in small […]
I Got 99 Problems But A Café Ain’t One: The Best Coffee in Buenos Aires
The coffee revolution in Buenos Aires is here. For a city with such a vibrant café-going culture, it’s too easy to find a shitty cup of coffee. Poor quality beans are most likely sugar roasted, and made in a machine that hasn’t been cleaned since 1998. But no longer are the days when coffee snobs aficionados are forced to […]
An Open Love Letter to Lamb Empanadas
#MyHomeTownGuide – Buenos Aires Eats For Five Food Occasions
“What’s the best restaurant in Buenos Aires?” I probably get asked that impossible question at least once a day, and will never be able to answer in a concrete way. It’s like I’ll always be on that endless quest to find the great Buenos Aires edible and drinkable spots. So when asked to create this […]
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