It’s time we all toss aside ground beef empanada filled “spring rolls” with fluorescent pink sweet and sour sweet sauce, say chau-chau to chaw fan, put down the fork, pick up some chopsticks, and tuck into a world of Chinese cuisine. Here are my top picks for the best Chinese food in Buenos Aires.
Oui Oui, Brunch Brunch, Yes Yes
La Más Querida: A beloved pizza a la parrilla love story
UPDATE June 2016: La Mas Querida now has a new Palermo Hollywood location –> Carranza 1875. It’s only natural for Argentina’s favorite cooking contraption to mate with the number one fast food to form an illegitimate food baby. Some would say it’s the antithesis of what porteño pizza is all about, and maybe that’s why I love […]
The BA Top 25: Best New Restaurants, Bars and Cafés in Buenos Aires 2013
Slow clap it up because 2013 was a helluva year, pushing Buenos Aires closer to that culinary destination in the sky. Let’s reminisce and gush over master bartenders paying homage to their aperitivo Argentine roots, while also giving an erect salute to the eclectic mix of restaurant openings that have continued to show that Buenos […]
Pain et Vin: All You Need is Wine. And Bread. And Cheese. And Sandwiches.
If I was the type to play a pointless hypothetical stranded-on-a-desert-island game, I’d choose to be stuck with some hot bread, sensual cheese, sexy wine, and erect jolty coffee. So imagine the utter rejoice shed when Pain et Vin in Palermo Soho opened its doors for a wine-bread-cheese-coffee-Palermonites dream come true.
Sha-warming Up and Puffing Hookah with Al-Zain
Al Zain is a very special place I hold dear to my stomach. For years it was my solid last minute cheap delivery spot, the neighborhood family owned restaurant was always just one call away when that special 11:45pm falafel-babaganoush-shawarma-chickenkebab craving hit. Because that kind of hummusy hankering comes up quite often. But lately I’ve […]
Buenos Aires Street Food: A Bizarre Bondiola in the Woods
Sipan Fusing Things Up The Peru-ponesa Way
Down the road from the touristic Plaza Serrano turnabout, SIPAN has taken over the bottom level of the Palermitano Hotel, whipping up Peruvian-Japanese fusion delectables. Upscale Peruvian seemed a bit oxymoronic to me. Dropping a hefty centavo on a plate of fancy ceviche just isn’t right when you can get a version just as delicious for half the price at […]
The Best Unsmokeable Joint in Palermo
In a country praised for the prime meat, it’s always baffling how so many of us are on an endless quest for a decent burger. Ground beef mix, quick high flame sear, toasted sesame bun, toppings, sauce and burger me delicious. But sadly BA has been stuck in a world of dry, flat, overcooked, unseasoned mooburgesas that […]
The Delicious C Word at Sugar and Spice
If you walk around Palermo Hollywood, your dog-like senses may lead you towards a wondrous scent of glorious, fresh and homey baked goods. No, this isn’t a factura-filled bakery or a medialuna-café haven, it’s a cookie factory hidden on Guatemala street that sells some of this country’s best baked up goodness like cookies, biscotti, brownies, bagels, budines, […]
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