This is honestly my favorite salad ever. Packed with fresh veggies, healthy, crispy, delicious. I’ve said this many times before, if you can boil water and have the patience to chop a shitload of vegetables, you can make this salad (or a variation of it). The key? High quality vegetables. This recipe replaces my old […]
Thanksgiving in Buenos Aires: How To Celebrate A Porteño Thanksgiving
Just because we are thousands of miles away from good ol’ Yanquilandia doesn’t mean we can’t pile our plates high in holiday cheer. Personally, I’ll be eating a meat-packed asado for my own steaksgiving, but for those who feel that homesick food nostalgia during the eating season, here’s how to get in on all the thankful action on […]
Healthy Spring Recipe: Quinoa + Raw Veggie Pita Pocket
Spring is here and that means one thing: goodbye bacon, hello verduras. This recipe is cheap, low cal (ugh I know, the horror) and easy to make. While it isn’t as tasty as a French toast and bacon sandwich, it probably contains those things called vitamins or minerals or something. You need to have the […]
The Perfect Buenos Aires Brunch
One time in my life I had the perfect brunch in Buenos Aires. A brunch filled with bagels, French toast casserole drenched in maple syrup, salty and savory cold cuts, an assortment of flavored cream cheeses, bacon, fruit, granola, yogurt, fresh baked challah, all the fixings you could dream of, juice, champagne, vodka, gin, cucumber […]
Soup Of The Day: Roasted Pumpkin and Carrot Soup
With winter nearing an end, it’s almost time to say goodbye to beloved soup season. Partial to the butternut squash / pumpkin variety, but feeling an overall deficiency in nutrients, adding carrot to the mix proved to be a good decision. I’m not going to go into all the healthy properties of the carrot, because […]
Asian Noodle Salad
With asado season approaching, it’s always a good idear to have a few easy yet delicious side dishes up your sleeve. Asian flavors + kilos of asado meat might not seem like a good combination to some, since Argies are accustomed to haute cuisine sides like the famed ensalada rusa or carrot and mayonnaise salad. […]
The Bacon Trials: Baines Best Bacon Delivery Bacon
The life of an amateur food blogger is quite hard work. You have to go out to eat, take pictures of food and then write about it. One of my most recent challenges included reviewing three pounds of glorious crispy, salty, American styled streaky bacon. And not just any bacon, the ONLY real bacon in […]
Buenos Aires Bagels: If you can’t find them, make them.
BA has gone bagel CRAZY. Everywhere you look, bread with holes are popping up all over the place. Besides the decent ones at Malvón, La Crespo and Quiero Bagel, a really good, inexpensive bagel just doesn’t exist. So to fulfill my jewy craving, I spent a whopping $10 pesos on ingredients, and whipped up a batch […]
The Multifaceted Empanada: Baked Samosas & Dal
Among my many food related hobbies, reading food blogs, looking up recipes, watching Top Chef, watching other cooking shows and memorizing menus, is finding new spins on Argentine favorites. On an empanada wrapper binge, I thought to myself – what fun goodies can I stuff inside? With a craving for some intense spices, it was […]
Potato Leek Soup
The only good things about the cold season are soups and boots. I could eat soup all day every day, and I just might. With the lack of soup in Argentina, (beefy, heavy stews don’t count and neither do those nasty powdered packets) it’s time to bust out the food processor or immersion blenders and […]