Surprising to many locals who have a life-long devoted loyalty to their favorite dish, Argentina is known by many to serve some pretty awful pizza. Some have even go far to say that it’s one of the worst pizza in the world. Oh, but how can you go wrong with dough + cheese + grease, might […]
Cashew Stir Fried Noodles
Protected: TEST: Aperoltivo Time: It’s Picada O’Clock at La Alacena
‘Tis the Season… for produce
For some, the beginning of spring means lush green leaves, buds sprouting, flowers in bloom, sunny blue skies, warm weather, yadda yadda yadda. For me, like any fat kid at heart, it has something related to food – fruit and vegetable season! Even though there is technically one more month of winter left, good quality, […]
Veggie’s Deli & Gourmet Natural
Over the past 4 years that I’ve been living in Buenos Aires, I have probably ordered delivery more than all my other years combined, earning the title of a true couch potato. Thanks to Buenos Aires Delivery, I have expanded my delivery menu stack of mostly bad sushi and pizza/empanadas, and I am able to […]
Cheap Dinner Challenge
With a lack of funds, due to excessive over spending and my depressing salary, I embarked on a cooking challenge. Dinner for two people, for 7 nights, no going out to eat, no ordering in, budget of only 40 pesos and my pathetic excuse of a pantry that was barely stocked. I’ll spare you the […]
El Galpón Market Orgánico
Curried Pumpkin Coconut Soup
Winter is here. With the coldest temperatures in over 15 years, I had one thought on my mind – a comfortable bowl of delicious soup. How did I survive so many years living in frigid Chicago winter temperatures? Why did I choose to spend the majority of my college years living in even colder Madison, […]
Spicy Quinoa & Lentil Salad
THE Go-To Barrio Favorite: Marfa Delivery
There comes a time in an unhealthily food obsessed freak’s life when she finds THE place where she could go everyday, never knew of its existence, and it’s steps away from her lazy-ass doorstep. After almost a year, I finally discovered Marfa Delivery. I must have passed by thousands of times, with no idea what […]